by quietadmin | Dec 30, 2013 | Mustangs, News
We have attached a copy of a newsletter written by Madeleine Pickens of the Saving America’s Mustangs Organization We hope you enjoy the article as much as we did. Recap After the BLM Advisory Board Meeting in Denver On June 14, 2010, our voices were heard! Myself, along with dozens of wild horse advocates and supporters banded together to give our horses a voice of their own. I was proud to be among the company of so many distinguished individuals who really care as much as I do about finding a safe alternative to the wild horse and burro round ups scheduled since 2009 until the end of 2010. The BLM (Bureau of Land Management), along with the National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board mediated a public workshop where anyone could attend and offer comments on their proposal their Wild Horse and Burro Strategy Development Document . BLM’s J. Michael Harty mediated the discussion and it was he who initially came up with this workshop format.There was a considerable turnout which shows how devoted Americans are to their horses! These horses are a part of our heritage and should remain free to roam the lands as they did years ago. Some of the other attendees were: Elyse Gardner, Humane Observer and wild horse advocate Karen Sussman, President of the International Society for the Protection of Mustangs & Burros Dr. Cassandra Nunez, International Society for the Protection of Mustangs & Burros Neda DeMayo, Return to Freedom (proposed Solider Meadows plan) Ginger Kathrens, Volunteer CEO of the Cloud Foundation Deniz Bolbol, In Defense of Animals Willis Lamm, Alliance of Wild Horses Carol Walker, Equine Photographer & Author of Wild...
by quietadmin | Dec 30, 2013 | News
The Cloud Foundation is an incredibly important non-profit organization that is based out of Colorado. It was started by Ginger Kathrens and based on her awareness and dissatisfaction of the roundups of wild horses. Quiet Mind Horsemanship is a supporter of The Cloud Foundation and recently received a newsletter from The Cloud Foundation and decided to share it with those whom aren’t already signed up for the newsletter. Please read the newsletter below: New Foals in Cloud’s Herd Dear Cloud Fans; It took four days of searching, but Makendra and I finally found Cloud and his family on Tillett Ridge, or maybe I should say he found us. I think he and the band had crossed through Big Coulee canyon (how I don’t know!) and arrived on Tillett just as we were creeping uphill in our 4-wheel drive vehicle. The whole band looked great with a very pregnant Aztec amongst them. Cloud looks just wonderful for early May—better than I have seen him looking in years. This is the time of year when the horses are typically the thinnest, having survived the rigors of a Montana winter. Now the grass is coming up and new foals are being born. It’s an exciting time. The weather on our first day on the mountain was a snowy one. At least a foot of new snow had fallen the day before and it prevented us from getting very high, but we were lucky enough to spot Flint and his family on a hillside on Tillett Ridge and we hiked close to them. I call this little family “the Flintstones” for Flint, his...
by quietadmin | Mar 25, 2010 | News
BLM Wild Horse Roundup This is part of a newsletter that Quiet Mind Horsemanship received from IDA (In Defense of Animals) regarding a BLM roundup of wild horses. Please read this article and submit comments to the link below. The comments that you submit will be forwarded to the BLM regarding this issue. Also you may post comments on below on this article and we will forward them to the proper people on your behalf. Help Stop Another Proposed Wild Horse Roundup Submit Comments By April 2! Government proposes removal of more than 1,000 horses in Wyoming, claiming 1.7 million acres can only support 1,165 horses Please send the e-mail at this page by April 2 to submit comments to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The BLM is continuing its business-as-usual roundup of wild horses. The latest proposal is to remove more than half of the 1,950 wild horses on 1.7 million acres of Herd Management Areas in southcental Wyoming. This is the beginning of the BLM’s process to remove wild horses in the Adobe Town and Salt Wells Herd Management Areas in Wyoming. It’s important that we submit our comments now to oppose this newest proposed assault on wild horses. The BLM claims that the Adobe Town Herd Management Area encompassing more than 472,000 acres can only have 610 to 800 wild horses and the Salt Wells Herd Management Area comprised of nearly 1.2 million acres can only sustain 251 to 365 wild horses. In Defense of Animals, located in San Rafael, Calif., is an international animal protection organization with more than 85,000 members and supporters dedicated to ending the abuse and exploitation of animals by...